Vanessa Räss-Dante
The Untitled Cans
01 October - 30 October 2020

Vanessa Räss-Dante is a Swiss artist and born and lives in Zurich, a newcomer at the Mondejar Gallery. She is young, dynamic, full of ideas, very passionate and philosophical in her thoughts.

Her new works called, ‘The Untitled Cans’ are about her personal experiences of being distant in her life situations while magnifying the realities depicted in her paintings. Combating patterns is very difficult to process for her and takes a lot of discipline to stay levelled to help overcome her challenges. These emotions of encounters are the roots of her art.



If you cannot find here the work you have seen at the exhibition, please contact info@mondejargallery.com or call/text +41 76 577 0854. Thank you.

Vanessa Räss-Dante
Untitled Cans 1, 2018, 29 × 21 cm acrylic on paper
Vanessa Räss-Dante
Untitled Cans 2, 2018, 29 × 21 cm acrylic on paper
Vanessa Räss-Dante
Untitled Cans 3, 2018, 29 × 21 cm acrylic on paper